Goodman, Stephanie "That Dumpster: Is It Art ?" New York Times, August 29, 2008.

Navas, Mario

"Head Cases" The New York Observer, August 26, 2008.

At The Galleries The Hudson Review.

Wilkin, Karen

Cohen, David Gallery-Going New York Sun.

Philip Grausman, Arts and Entertainment Section, New York Times, January 2005. see details here
Philip Grausman, Arts and Leisure Section, New York Times, July 2003. see details here
Glueck, Grace
The National Academy of Design's 172d show,
The New York Times, June 13,1997
Borak, Judy
Chesterwood Becomes Art Exhibition, The Bekshire Eagle, Massachusetts,
June 24, 1994, Cover D Section.
Shea, Richard
Exploring from the Ground Up, Time Off (magazine) May 27, 1994 p. 19-20.
Melikan, Souren
Contemporary Culture in Leafy New England. International Herald Tribune,
New York, September 4-5, 1993.
Raynor, Vivien
Changes at a Sculpture Park, The New York Times (NJ edition),
August 22, 1993, p. 15.
Raynor, Vivien In Kent: 2 Galleries, 3 Sites, 4 Shows , The New York Times (CT edition), August 15, 1993, p. 14.
Zimmer, Wiliam Aetna Institute Displays Drawings of 3 Yale Artists, The New York Times, January 22, 1989, p. 22.
Petrich, Lynn Kari Philip Grausman, American Artist (magazine), September, 1988, p. 50-55.
Raynor, Vivien Sculpture in Metals From Aluminum to Zinc, at the Mattatuck,
The New York Times, June 19, 1988.
Brenson, Michael Art: Philip Grausman, The New York Times, November 20, 1987.
Brenson, Michael Figurative Sculpture of the 80's, The New York Times, June 13, 1986.
Tarlow, Lois Alternative Space Philip Grausman, Art New England, February, 1986.
Bosco, Antoinette Philip Grausman, Connecticut Magazine, November, 1985.
Rylander, Mark The Importance of Perspective Drawing in the Design Process, Philip Grausman's Drawing Class at Yale, The Architectural Student Journal, Crit XV, Yale University, Summer, 1985.
Hoffman, Alan Grausman Unravels Unique Vision, The New Milford Times, Connecticut,
October 4, 1984 p.1 & 3.
Raynor, Vivien From Farm, Field and Zoo: Animals in Artistic Limelight, The New York Times July 29, 1984.
Schoelkopf, Robert Philip Grausman, Art News, Volume 83, Number 1, January 1984. p. 151.
Birmelin, Blair T Philip Grausman, Arts Magazine, November, 1983.
Peters, David F Sculptor Philip Grausman of Washington, The Litchfield County Times, Connecticut. Life Cover Story, November 4, 1983.
Voices, Exhibition at Washington Art Association, July 15, 1981.
Raynor, Vivien 2 Shows: Sculptures, Landscape Photographs, The New York Times,
July 12, 1981. Yale Sculptor in Upstate Show, The New Haven Register, Connecticut, July 1981.
Close, Anne A Memorable Experience, The New Milford Times, July 9, 1981.
Kramer, Hilton Art: Philip Grausman, The New York Times, October 5, 1979.
Garrett, Robert Image Gallery, Boston Herald American, Massachusetts, August 29, 1978.
Bell, Winfred B High Priority Exhibition, The Berkshire Eagle, Massachusetts,
August 19, 1978.
Raynor, Vivien Portraiture Revisited, The New York Times, July 16, 1978.
Rural Setting Ideal for Artist, The Sunday Republican, Connecticut,
July 2, 1978
Brunet, Jacqueline Grausman to Show at WAA, The New Milford Times, Connecticut,
June 29, 1978.
Brunet, Jacqueline Grausman's Works on View, The New Milford Times, Connecticut,
June 29. 1978.
Kramer, Hilton Art: Philip Grausman, The New York Times, December 14, 1974.
Ludwig, Allan I Philip Grausman, Arts Magazine, November, 1974. p. 18.
Madlee, Dorothy Sculptor's Theme Shapes of Life, Boston Sunday Advertiser,
November 10, 1968.
Stern, Virginia F

The Copper Sculpture of Philip Grausman, American Artist, January 1962.